Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life Of A Hairstylist (assistant no more)- Who is the boss of your hair?

As I have been working at a blow dry bar, and freelancing as my own boss, I have come to realize there is one very important question in life….Who is the boss of your hair? I have clients sit in my chair daily. I have the clients that trust me to do my job, I have the clients that direct me as though they are the director of their own major film (It is LA right?), and I have the clients that are somewhere between the 2. There is almost always a patch, piece or portion of hair that people refer to as the “stubborn” piece. As a licensed stylist I fight these pieces over and over. I have learned to maneuver, bend, flat iron, curl and take hold of these stubborn pieces. The usual response when I am done is “Why can I never get my hair to look like this?”. The answer? I am trained to take hold of you hair and, excuse my French, make it my bitch. On that note…its all about learning how to work with what you got. Product, education and your “war weapons” (irons, blow dryers, etc…) are a good start to winning the battle. Lately I have been a fan of Moroccan Oil Hydration cream. It really seems to do the trick (only a small amount). I have also become a major, major fan of their brushes (which you can get on amazon). After applying a small amount of the hydration cream, and sectioning your hair get in there with a round brush. Make sure you use a lot of tension and always hit the hair from different angles. When you’re done blow drying you can always use a flat iron or curing iron to finish styling or help with the pesky pieces. The Moroccan finishing spray or hairspray is a really good light spray to use that is easy to brush out. Now it may seem like I am a Moroccan Oil spokes person in this blog, and although I love their products, there are plenty more that I use and will most likely bring up in another blog. Just remember when you are at home and battling, fighting or having and all out brawl with your hair that a small amount of product and a lot of tension can really go a long way. As a girl with incredibly curly natural hair I can personally say that when I do my own hair….well to be honest we don’t get along AT ALL. It’s never easy doing your own hair. It’s also never a bad thing to ask for help. After all… that is why there are professionals ☺ Stay tuned for more blogs coming soon and if you have any hair questions feel free to go to my facebook and email me directly! https://www.facebook.com/srstyles

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