Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life as an assistant - The Beginning

My journey began in 2009. I was working at a production company during the height of the
economic crisis. I had just moved back from New York and was acting as part receptionist 
and part production coordinator who spent most of my time answering phones and surfing 
the web (as most fellow desk jobbers do). As the company was starting to go under I had 
this epiphany that I needed a BIG change. Since i had a strong feeling my position was not 
going to be needed very much longer I woke up early one Friday morning, drove to work, 
walked into my managers office and said " Since you're probably going to "let me go" any 
day now, would it be possible if you did it today?" The answer was yes! It was a beautiful 
Los Angeles morning (still pretty early) and i had the day off. Many days off actually... 
Now what?????? Back to the job hunting I went along with thousands of LA people. Then it 
hit me. I really wasn't a fan of sitting behind a desk. Although all of my jobs consisted of a 
creative background they also involved a desk and some web surfing. I was very bored to 
say the least. I started my quest of trying to figure out what I really wanted to do. I 
decided on going back to school (scariest thing I have ever done) It was sink or swim, now 
or never. I narrowed my choices down to 2. Culinary school or Cosmetology school. Both I 
loved! I closed my eyes, pointed and prayed for the best. Cosmetology school it was!!!

I am starting this blog to tell my story (stories) of becoming and being a hair stylist. Well an assistant hair stylist. This is my journey from the beginning through the decision making process, school and now my every day life. I will include funny stories (did you know hair stylists act as second therapists???), pictures, models I may need for the week and specials or deals for services I'll be providing. I hope you look forward to reading these as much as I will have fun writing them!

Until next time....

"Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like."  ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. I love this and I LOVE YOU so very much!!! Can't wait for the next one....
