Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Life of a Hairstylist in TV and Film - Life Lessons

Life Lessons: Last weekend before heading out to see some friends I stopped at 7-11 to pick up some things. Sitting outside, on a very cold evening, was a homeless man. He wasn’t begging just sitting alone. Something about him made me stop and I asked him if he would like some food. He said “Actually I would just really like a beer but they won’t serve me”. He was being honest and that was refreshing. I offered to get him one. He was genuinely grateful at that moment. I know most of you out there at this point are wondering why I would contribute and the truth is because he was honest about what he wanted. I appreciated that and thought I could help bring a smile to his face. No matter what the position is everyone deserves to smile each day. So I walked into 7-11 and realized I hadn’t asked what he liked. As I retuned outside he was being harassed by a non-homeless man. This “rude” man picked up the homeless mans things and started throwing them at him while yelling “you piece of sh*t”. He then picked up said items and said “I’m taking these” and threw out this mans items. I was so stunned I wasn’t sure what to say. It happened so quickly and the guy was gone. The homeless man looked at me so kindly with a tear in his eye and said “ he is very angry”. I actually started to tear at the thought of the amount of hatred and anger shown to this man who did nothing wrong. I asked him what beer he liked and returned inside. I bought him two beers and some pizza. When I gave the man his items he was so grateful he cried which of course, for those who know me, made me burst into tears. You ask why I am telling this somewhat random story? This is why…. yes there are so many homeless men, women and children out there. Can it get annoying that they stand on every corner and beg? Yes. But here is the real truth…Although a lot of them are in it for drugs or considered lazy they are still human beings. They are still someones child, parent, grandparent or sibling. I ask all of you out there to remember to be kind. Take a minute to look into someones eyes and know that they are going through things too. We all have ups and downs. Some of us are lucky to have friends and family to turn to but not everyone is. We all need a reminder sometimes. Its sad that we may need reminders to be kind. Even I need to remember that when I am having a bad day doesn’t mean I have to make someone else's day awful. When you are rude to people, talk behind their back, or are just downright rude remember that there is someone on the other end of that who will get hurt. I work in an industry where people are not always the nicest. People steal peoples work, they take credit where credit isn’t due, they steal jobs, they are lazy…they are human. This is all apart of the human experience. But please remember the next time you steal an idea, are rude to a homeless man, take someone else's shine that those people are human. They bleed, they hurt, and their soul dies a little each time. Be kind, grow, learn and treat others with respect. We all deserve it. And who knows… maybe you can makes someones day instead of breaking it! Wouldn’t you rather be remembered for that?

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