Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life as an assistant - True Blood Edition

So not that long ago I was asked to come help out and check out the season 4 True Blood photo shoot for the new posters. It has to be one of my coolest days on a set this far.

As I nervously entered the trailer around 9 am I was finally able to meet the hair designer in person. I had been speaking with him via email and text. When I walked in he was working on Deborah Ann Woll who plays the young vampire. He was mid process roller setting her hair. AWESOME! LET THE FUN BEIGN! As I made myself comfortable in the trailer actor after actor would step in for hair. Ryan (who plays jason Stackhouse and was awesome enough to get me this gig) came in for a quick hello which is when I realized that the men spend all of 5 minutes in the chair while women spend hours! So unfair btw!

After hair was primarily done I stepped on to set for touch ups and to watch the excitement in action. They had 3 different sets as you can see in the posters. The black room, the white room and the red room. They were UNBELIEVABLE in person!!!!

In between takes I would run back to the trailer to see if I could be any use. Each time a new person would be in the chair. I am not sure if any of you know this but I am actually a major fan of the show! I was a late bloomer but I am hooked! So watching each person go from Anna Paquin to Sookie Stackhouse or Alexander Skarsgard to Eric was pretty freaking cool!

I spent most my day on the set bouncing around and learning a lot. I learned a lot of on set go to products, styling tips, and so much more. Lots of roller sets and blow drys on set which is pretty normal but always fun to learn new ways of doing it. I wont bore you all with more details but the finished products are below! I hope you all enjoy them!

Until next time...

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